02 October 2005


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.

—Gautama Buddha, translation from WikiQuote

A big difference between eastern and western "religions" is that eastern religions expect people to enter with doubt and suspicion. They welcome it. Why? Because any thinking being can reach the same (or similar) conclusions. All "beliefs" are really observations about the world that anyone who pays attention can find, independent of the texts. And if you come to a different conclusion? Perhaps you have found something new, that the sages hadn't yet noticed, or perhaps you looked at it in a slightly different way. (That is not to say there is no controversy; there are different branches of Buddhism, Taoism, etc., because they emphasize different teachings; generally, however, they will agree that the other schools have valid POV's)

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