13 September 2005

Letting Go

Many people do not know how to free themsleves from science and religion. The more they study science, the more they create destructive power. Their religions are mere outer garments too heavy when they walk in the spring breeze. Books are burdens to them and prayers but their beautiful excuses. They consume potions, pills, and drugs, but they do not decrease their sickness physically or mentally. If they really want peace, friendship, love, and a life of usefulness, they must empty their precious bags of dust and illusions to realize the spirit of fredom, the ideal of this country.

—Nyogen Senzaki, The Iron Flute

Attachment is the enemy. Let go. Most of us have a death grip on what we think of as "reality". Let go. Fall into the emptiness below. Then maybe, just maybe, you can find the "really real" world.

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