11 September 2005

Life's Little Ironies

The mind creates the chasm which only the heart can cross.

—Stephen Levine, 11 Sept. Daily Zen calendar

I thought this was a beautiful quote (and relates to a semi-rant from a month or so ago; sorry Fibonacci :-). This is, indeed, how most Taoists, Buddhists, and New Agers see it. The terminology may be slightly different, but the sentiment is the same. So I was curious to see who Stephen Levine was. So far, there's not a lot of detail, but he has served as a "death counselor" for many years (counseling the terminally ill and their families), and has studied meditation techniques from some well-known figures, including Ram Dass. His homepage is somewhat amusing, in that he has left it barebones, not even labelling what Page1, Page2, etc. are. The most detailed biography I could find is here.

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