15 July 2005


Home isn't someplace else; home is our frequency, our experience of light.

—Chris Griscom

This is from the book my taiji instructor loaned me. I'll post an overall review when I've finished it. Parts of it are standard New Age claptrap, but parts of it make good sense. This in particular resonated with me. I remember a time several years ago, when every so often I would get this panicky feeling inside and think "I want to go home!" It didn't matter where I was. Sometimes I was at home. It came less and less frequently, especially after I took up taiji. Then last summer, we were on vacation in Mesa Verde. I had just finished some energy circulation meditation, and had the thought, "This is home." Now, I feel at home nearly everywhere, but especially in places where I have meditated. Before, I was cut off from that sense of home within myself. It feels...good...to have it reconnected.

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