09 July 2005

The Name that can be named is not the eternal Name

To understand God is to listen, listen to Jesus and Muhammed and Buddha; but don't get caught up in the names. Listen beyond them; listen to God's breath.

—Zen Saying

From 9 July on my Zen Calendar. This relates to one of my favorite Zen quotes: "When you are confused and doubting, even a thousand books of scripture are not enough. When you understand, even a single word is too much." Words, scriptures, names, these are all secondary aspects of that-which-is. However, you cannot understand this until you've experienced it directly, even if only for a moment. If you're too caught up in the names, you will never be able to hear God's breath. At best, you may get a dull echo, filtered through the name you cling to so tightly. Let go of the names and experience Reality. No thought. No words. No argument.

Clinging to the names is a form of tension, and tension makes your senses dull. Try this with a partner: Clench your fist and close your eyes while your partner uses something to touch that clenched fist. Can you feel what it is? Not very well. Now relax your hand and try again. You will feel a lot more.

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