29 August 2005

Going Inward

And so, for the first time in my life perhaps I took the lamp, and went down to my inmost self. But as I moved further and further from the conventional cerainties, I became aware that I was losing contact with myself. At each step of the descent a new person was disclosed within me...and when I had to stop my exploration because the path faded, I found a bottomless abyss at my feet, and out of it came—arising I know not whence—the current which I dare to call my life.

—Teilhard de Chardin, from 29 August Zen Calendar

Interesting that the day after I ponder the Tao, this should come up on my calendar. :-D This passage is about going beyond the labels that we have for ourselves, going deeper to the core of who we really are. And if we go deep enough, and listen closely, we find the Tao.

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